I was with my mother in law in the car and she says she needs to buy lottery. We stop at a place and she got down and I waited. A car pull up beside & the man in the car also went to buy lottery. He returned & show me what he bought. It is 6 numbers in a big golden ticket (cannot remember all the numbers, but there is 11, 12, 13, 14). I ask him why buy running numbers as it is harder to win. He said he has been buying these numbers for years.
My mother in law came back and I said I need to buy too. I came to the shop, there is a queue & I join the queue. Suddenly people keep pushing & going in front of me. Few more did the same & I allowed through unhappily. My turn came and I gave $10 to buy 10 sets of 6 numbers. I was told to wait. I waited for my lottery ticket & saw the man (at the lottery shop) keep producing toys & other things but not my ticket. I was told by the boss to stand one side to wait & there is a big queue lined up.
I keep waiting but the man still keep doing toys & other stuff & not my lottery ticket. I am mad & demanded to return by $10 & asked him why he is not doing my ticket. The man only says there are lots to do & that make me even more angrier & keep demanding. Then the boss came & said they cannot return $10 but only $8 as there is admin charge. I am mad & said I have been waiting (as I remember looking at watch before it is 08:15am) and now it is 08:45am.