I am in back seat of a car. My friend who goes by the nickname "Boss" (real name Bobby) has set up a robbery of a bank and the unknown man who is driving the car is about to pull off but I become aware of the foolishness thats happening as I become aware in the dream and decide to abandon the plan. To add to the reasons why I have no interest on the plan Boss isnt even in the car.
I get out of the car and we're in an apartment complex. There are topless women calling his name from multiple places on higher levels but we are moving along the walls trying to stay hidden from them. In my head i blame his womanizing.
We are in a basement. There are football plays written along the wall (like stuff written on an old chalkboard)but they are illegible. Boss tries to open a set of big blue basement doors to get to his pitbull but it is locked.
I see a long narrow stairway and i start to go up the stairs and when a white pitbull comes down the stairs and gets close, it lazily tries to jump and bite me so i do a swim move (way to get past blockers in football) to get past it. The room I enter is a small kitchen area with a fridge and two ppl playing cards at a table. Once at the top, in the kitchen, i enter another room that looks like a round shaped strategy room for a profession football team (large windows where you can see the field etc) and there are plays written on whiteboards around the room and they are clear. A thought of my friend Lazarus coaching a football team (possibly kids) enters my mind and i see me friend Boss in a different room creating music on a drum machine (producing beats) and i tell him, "i see your hard work, im going to help you".
The dream ends and whats crazy about the last scene is In the past I produced the music in our friendship and he wrote. Also Boss has pit bulls in real life and im cool with dogs but see them as a huge responsibility. Look foward to insight!