I went in a house of people.
They told me a man I knew was dead in the other room.
I went in there to see him.
He was face down on the bed.
I sat at the foot of the bed.
He began to move and got up!
I started screaming he’s alive! He’s alive! He’s alive!
He talked to me and said he was alive the whole time.
A man I know, let’s call him Vick, had texted me with a video of me throwing my baby daughter in the air and catching her, playing, she was laughing. (A friend of mine had taken it and sent it to him.) Condemning me for being so careless with her and telling me to call him before I travel to a different town. He also told me about this guy dying tonight. It was like he had been there: he had something to do with it.
I also remember someone saying they had cut his colon out. But when I saw him, he didn’t appear to have had anything cut.
Back to him sitting up in bed, he was calm and very kind to me. Almost like he was attracted to me. I asked if I could pray for him because he was just raised from the dead! He said no, thank you, that he was part of the plan too. Only one or two people from the big group of people in the house came in to see him alive.
Then he said he had to go meet Vick to give him some equipment and left in his truck.
Immediately after the Dream, I woke up.