My dream October 14 2017
It starts with me in a customer's house. I am waking up from sleep . I realize that I am not in my house. I feel I must get up and clean it before they know that I have sleep there aĺl night. My husband is with me . Others are there also. I don't know them. As I'm getting up and move about the house, I get close to the master bedroom. I see that the people that own the house are already up. There bed is made , but not as well as it should be. The bed pillows and the decorative pillows are not put up neatly. I am afraid they will be angry with me for sleeping and not working. As I start working they come to a room were I am and my husband and a few others. Jean , the woman of the house is talking to me, then her husband start talking to me also. He takes me to a room that he wants me ro clean. I look at it. It has rocks on the ceiling and coming down the walls. He tells me this is the family room. When i look up atvthe celing, water is running down the rocks onthe celing and rhe walls. I tell him that i cannot clean the room like this.He seems agitated . He dosent look well. I walk closer to him. He starts to fall. I catch him before he hits the floor. He is an older gentleman and I feel like he is having a heart attack. I tell someone to call 911. Then I wake up. What does this mean????