The dream starts in side a house I'm not familiar with. I was walking up the stairs inside the house. It was old and run down very bad. I was with someone. Not sure who. They told the people that live there are all different. They have lots of problems. Not even sure why I went in there at all. I think the person I was with was a child. A small girl. She was only wearing shorts. She looked to be may be 3 years old. She had short dark hair. As we went up the stairs the walls were a dirty pink color. Trash all over. Long hall ways. Then there are doors. I called for the young girl, I had lost site of her while climbing the stairs. Someone opens a door at one end of the hallway. As the door opened a person with no head came to the door. I could not believe my eyes. It scared me, I ran to the other end of the hallway. I could not find the way out of the hallways. Others started opening doors from inside the rooms on the hallway. Each person that came to a door was very miss figured or missing part of their body. They were all with out clothes also. It took a while to find the way out . I was terrified. All at once the way appeared. I ran down the stairs to the front foyer. As I'm going down them, the young girl reappeared. She begs me not to go. I told her to come with me. She says that she can't. I don't ask her why, I just keep going. There is a man that comes toward me , he has very long shaggy hair and is were clothing like mad max. If you know what I mean. He is chasing me , trying to keep me from getting out. I make it to the stairs on the outside and go down. He doesn't go any farther. The little girl is still with me. I tell her to keep going as we get down the steps. She says that she can't. The rays of the sun is starting to come down onto her. Then as she steps closer to me , she starts throwing up something yellow. It hits me on the leg. Now I'm freaked out again and take off running away. As I look back, I can see the people that were inside leaving out the back , going into the woods. At this point, I keep going to the street. I see people walking around. I start begging people to help me. I am screaming help, help, help. Then I wake up. I felt that I was actually calling out help. I think that's what made me wake up.
I will say one thing about the little girl. When I first saw her she was only wearing a pair of shorts, her hair was very short . When we left the building , she was fully clothed and her hair was much longer. It's like she was older , fully clothed .