I had this dream on 6/15/19 and I’ve Been thinking about it almost every day since.
I was watching myself clean out my ear, I was sitting in the middle of the floor cleaning my right ear out. When my vision zoomed in on the ear and I could see inside my ear, there was a silver metal fork in my ear. I began to try to get it out with tweezers but couldn’t. I was shocked why I hadnt felt the fork in my ear and wondered how long it was there. I titled my head to the side and the fork slid out, it felt strange. I picked it up to see if there was a lot of wax build up; hoping this would indicate how long it had been in there. There was hardly any wax on it. Then suddenly I was at a swimming pool with my brother Carl and I had a positive pregnancy test with me. My brother was following me trying to see what I had and I was annoyed because I didn’t want him to see and tell my parents about it. When I got out the pool i ended up at my childhood home. I thought “I need to take a new test the pool water have effected the results, I want to be sure I’m really pregnant” I was in the upstairs bathroom sitting on the toilet peeing in a cup when I heard my parents ask where I was at. Suddenly I could see through the bathroom door as if it were a window , I saw my brother telling them I was in the bathroom but that he didn’t know what I was doing. (He couldn’t see me though) then I got off the toilet and walked over to the counter and was using a dropper to drop pee onto the pregnancy test. I could see my mom standing to the right of me at the sink through my peripheral. ( I never heard or saw her walk in though) she didnt speak and I didn’t either the water was running and there was a black hand towel folded between us. I was calm, I didn’t seem to mind that she was there. Then suddenly my dad and and brother were in the bathroom too & were looking over my shoulder at the test, my dad said “what’s that a coloring book?” I got kinda upset and said “you’re not supposed to be in here it was supposed to be a surprise!“ then my dad said “that’s good you’re pregnant maybe you’re twins this time!“ i said ” dont say that” then him and my brother weren’t there anymore. My mom was still standing at the sink, I began to wonder if it maybe was twins so i grabbed the pregnancy test out the trash to see the results again. This time it had TWO pink plus signs ( I knew this meant it was in fact twins) then I saw “potential due dates: March 28th/ Sept. 18th” in the top right corner. I smiled when I saw September because that’s my birthday month. I spoke to my mom and said, “well so much for it being a surprise, dad ruined it. And how did he think this was a coloring book he knew good and well what it was!” She smiled and kinda laughed but never spoke. But it felt calm and happy. Before waking up I recall having a conversation with my husband , I dont remember seeing it happen in the dream it was almost like I heard an audio recording of it before waking. I told him the news about the twins and the potential due dates. We realized that September was actually 3 months away while March was 9 months so we got confused. I told him I’d had a thought the other day about having twins, a boy and girl. And I told him that the babies may be born prematurely so we needed to pray against it. Then I woke up. I woke up confused at first and looking for my husband because the conversation I’d just heard before waking seemed so real.
*there wasn’t much color other than the pink positives And the black towel in the dream. The colors were dull, but the dream was peaceful and calm for the most part no fear, just slightly annoyed that the surprise was ruined. I knew the bathroom was a light blue because that's the house I grew up in.*