I have had a recurring dream, I've had 11 dreams so far about my husband and I having twins, but they have all been different scenes. I've put two different ones as examples below. They are not in a specific order but these two are the ones that stick out to me the most.
1st Dream- Anthony (my husband) and I were at praise team practice at our church. We had twins one boy and one girl they looked to be about 6 months old. It was time to feed them so Anthony (my husband) was holding the baby girl wrapped in a pink blanket feeding her a bottle while singing and Jessiann (cousin on my husband's side, but I used to babysit her when she was a child) was holding the baby boy wrapped in a blue blanket feeding him a bottle sitting out in the sanctuary. Jessiann's little sister Abbigail (Cousin on my husband's side, but I used to babysit her as well when she was a baby) was sitting beside Jessiann and they were watching the baby boy's every move and smiling from ear to ear. You could clearly tell in the dream that they just adored him. The whole dream was in color but the colors that stood out the most were the pink and blue blankets. I saw this dream sitting from the stage behind the drums. In the dream I was happy, and when I woke up I was joyful but also confused as to why I would have a dream like this.
2nd Dream- Anthony and I were at our church and the twins were being dedicated, our current pastor, Woody dedicated them. The twins looked like they were a year old. The little girl had on a light pink dress, her hair was sandy blonde and was put up in a small ponytail with a pink flower bow. The little boy had on a white dress shirt, khaki dress pants, and a mint green bowtie, his hair was brown and spiked up in the front. My grandparents(on my Mom's side), both my husband's parents and mine were there along with my little brother and sister. Our family was standing in front of our church and I could see everyone that attends our church. The dream was very vivid. It was in all color but the colors that stood out the most were the appearance of the twins. The whole dream was joyful and exciting, you could see the joy on everybody's face. When I woke up from the dream I was joyful but also confused as to why I would have a dream like this.