(This is my sister’s dream)
Scene 1
I saw hummingbirds flying by one or two at a time (probably only 3 or 4 total) that were all types of vibrant colors, 2 or 3 colors each. Then I distinctly saw a group of 3 hummingbirds that were rainbow colored.
Scene 2
There was a younger man who was going to sexual abuse me. Before he did anything the scene ended and he just disappeared. Then there was a nasty older man (not old old, but older than me and the previous man) who I knew was going to rape me. In other dreams I have been able to change or manipulate/control the dream so I knew I could with this one but for some reason I decided I was just going to let it happen. I was laying there and as the man crawled on top of me, before he could do anything, he suddenly just died. I knew God had killed him.
Dream ended
First thoughts when I woke up were “why didn’t i do something to stop that? Why was I going to let that happen?” Then my next thoughts were “Wow! God just killed that man for me!”