1 Oct. 2020 . I just woke up from a dream whereby I recall 2 girls Stine and Anne were with me. I recall a brief conversation about shoes and saying some shoes I had bought that were from an inexpensive chainstore were fine but one of them maybe commented otherwise. (not sure) Then to the main theme of the dream. I walk into a room, i kind of think it was a place i was staying but I entered a living area space from perhaps my personal room. Again these 2 girls were there. My connection with them in the natural is they are part of a christian fellowship of 3 couples i dropped by once or twice. We are then 4 . Me and another girl are at a table or sitting with these 2 and we have a picture in front of us. The other girl goes first. I understood it to be that we were to find the tea lights (small candles) and circle them. She goes first ( I dont see her results or findings) Then the same picture is in front of me and Im seeking/looking for the tea lights, and am about to circle one I see but seem to sense an unspoken conversation in the room that I was unaware or it was never conveyed clearly to me that we were to look for the real lights in the drawing of the tea lights, not the fake light. Somehow the drawing was kind of animated when i was trying to do the task. (task may not be the best word but assignment). I sensed I was annoyed or frustrated that I was not told /explained properly what to look for. (discernement lesson here I guess:-) Then I see its Annes turn . There seems to me more girls now at the table perhaps semi familiar some of them. We are all watching each others turn and Annes now circling like an elephant and a car and some other outlines on the picture and I see there is a bright white light inside them and also realise after thinking why didnt I see these ones that its a totally different picture than the one the first girl and I got on our turns. I also thought I saw Stine wearing 2 necklaces. 1 may be an elephant not sure on that part. I also recall as we initially were singing the 4 of us before the first girl took her turn worshiping seated to the cd player music. I joined in at the end song softly knowing those words of that song. But I feel like i mentioned that i hadnt played guitar for years but if i got songs in advance to practise i could also serve by playing if they needed that. i had also said that in the natural one of the times i had attended their real meeting. Thanks in advance. Bless the interpreter with wisdom from HS.
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