Had a dream that I was with my core small group and we were having a guest speaker over for a meal and chat. It was going to be held at my house and other people who are not in the small group showed up and were welcomed. They brought food to eat for the meal, too.
Before the meal started, I had to take some stuff to my back shed. It was on stilt things to keep it above ground so it wouldn’t flood. As I approached it, the left side collapsed. I was grateful that I was out of the way and didn’t get hurt. Since I couldn’t put the stuff in the shed, I walked to the back door of the house to put it inside. As I was at the door turning the knob, I felt the porch begin to move. It felt like I was standing on a water bed, even though the porch was made of wood. I knew I needed to get off it, so I did. And just as I got off, the porch collapsed as well. People started to arrive for the meal & chat and my landlord came over and fixed the porch with wood from his own trees so that it wouldn’t happen again.
We ate the meal and people didn’t care about the construction work that had just been done, but I felt apprehensive that it might happen again since the boards were not nailed down.