The dream started in an open garden. On each table were all kinds of different cakes, sweats and treats.
Colorful flowers were used as a center piece on all of the tables. My table was also decorated with presents wrapped in beautiful gold and silver gift paper, with matching bows. It was my birthday!
Every one sat down and introduced themselves. I actually didn't know any one there, but they knew me.
The guests were talking and eating and it was as if I zoned out. I could hear background music, it was soft like different instruments playing. Then I noticed that there were white doves every where!!
I got up from the table to tell the guests to look, but before I could say anything a dove came and sat on my head. This was so cool! I love doves so I just stood still.
Then 5 doves flew towards me and they sat on each of my fingers.
I woke up.