Im really concerned b/c I have had recurring dreams of a mess I've made that causes others to be affected by it and Im just not understanding. My daughter even had one.
One of those dreams are,
I was on a trip with my family and we were in Africa. We were in this hotel there staying. There was also a couple in there with us I didnt know or recognize them. They may have been renting the hotel but also staying with us. I went to my mother and she said we were staying 3 days but she was gonna wait to pay the renters so we can stay an extra 3 days. I was happy because I loved it there. Then I'm in a room with the lady and I see bugs and I don't want them there so I get a can of bug spray and spray up the whole place,so much so a huge mist fills the room,it almost looks like a smoky bomb went off. We all run outside coughing trying to get fresh air. All of a sudden it's another scene and I'm still in Africa but It doesn't look like it because I'm in my living room with my family and I look up and the front door is open and I see our next door neighbor in waking life fixing his screen window. And he's looking into our house and kinda smiling at us as he works because he's watching us have fun together.
Then I awoke. I awoke at 3:03