In this dream, something bad had happened to Hong Kong and I was going to a place to pray. The impression was that the place of prayer was set up by the community / local council and different prayer ministers of different faiths are there.
When I arrived, indeed there were prayer ministers of different faiths, lining up along the side of an escalator that’s going up. (They’re along the wall and not moving up with the escalator). Many of them were miniature figures (about 50 cm’s tall each) and by their dress, you can see that there are Taoist / Buddhist / Christian (mainline denominational) ministers that are open for you to approach them to pray.
I got on the escalator and started going up. The first guy I saw was someone in a Taoist dress and I asked him, I need to find a Christian minister to pray together. He pointed me to one and that minister was asleep (yet standing). I asked that minister for prayer - he opened his eyes sleepily and fell back asleep. The escalator continued to bring me up, until I reached a minister that looked like a Christian minister that looked like a young girl of around 10 years old.
I said to myself, that’s way too young to be a minister - but if that’s all we have. For some context, in the dream I wasn’t in an “on fire, encouraged” mood. I was really just there wanting some comfort in agreement in prayer and wasn’t expecting “on fire” believers to pray with me. In fact, I already expected to “tone down” my language when praying since I expected that a mainline denominational minister would be praying with me.
As I was thinking those thoughts (about that minister being way too young), I reached the top of the escalator and a few believers took me by the hand. It was 3 sisters and one brother who I did not recognize.
We were holding hands in a circle praying and they suddenly started praying together in tongues. I felt encouraged by these people as I wasn’t expecting to meet “baptized in Holy Spirit” believers. Suddenly, I felt electricity and the Holy Spirit coming on me, and I started praying a very bold prayer (which I have not done in a long while):
Abba (was led to address God as Abba), thank you for bringing us together to come to you in this time of need. As your beloved children, by the blood of Jesus, we come to you before the courts of heaven, and we ask that a restraining order be put on the enemy - any authority that he may have or thinks he have over the air of Hong Kong (and a satellite image of Hong Kong came up), we bind that now in the name of Jesus, and we command it to be destroyed. Let this be brought before the courts of heaven, and let our request, as beloved children of the Father, be established. Let there be witnesses to this, as a testimony of your son Jesus. Let it be known that the blood of Christ saves and redeems. Let it be seen! We place a demand by the blood of Christ to break the powers of darkness over this city. Oh Father, we thank you that you have heard us because we are your beloved sons and daughters, brought before you by the blood of your son Jesus.
In that prayer we also prayed for one another and prayed for myself, and thanked the Father for complete healing and protection.