I have many dreams about the family farm i hopefully want to own one day. In this dream i was at the barn with my uncle he had started raising bees and collecting honey. It started to rain the rain was washing the honey from the honeycomb so i started scooping the honey up and eating it. the honey. The honey was the best thing i had ever tasted my uncle started laughing at me making fun of me and just making me feel bad for trying to save the honey and eating it. He hurt my feelings and made me feel awful. So walk behind the barn and relized there was a peace of equipment that was broke i wanted to buy from him i remember thinking he’ll never sell to me and will sell it to someone else so i went to ask him about buying it i couldnt find him when i finally found him he had been stung in the face by a bee it was making him very sick he was laid up next to a door then i woke up soon after this. When i had woke up it tasted like i had been eating honey and all i could think was God talking about milk and honey in exodus 3:8. My uncle in the dream also owns the farm in real life i desire to buy.
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