It started out with me and a few people driving across an old country road that looked familiar, like I had drove across it before in real life. Similar to driving across Manley Chapel or going to grandma halls. I was driving a big jacked up truck and for some reason one of the other guys was driving a van in from of us. The roads across the mountains and fields in the beginning were covered in snow and you could see where tractors had drove into the fields to get hay or feed the cattle. We drove down off of a big hill and the weather changed to spring time type weather. The guy driving the van drove off road and down over a hill in the van while I stayed on the main road. We pulled into this huge farm in front of a big new looking barn. We all got out of the truck and walked into the barn. I was pulling this big trailer the whole time that we were going to put these chickens in that we bought. When i got out of the truck one of the other guys got into the trailer to move something around. I walked back and told him not to worry about moving anything, and we followed the others into the barn. It was a very nice barn, (steel pole building.) We walked onto this platform area where the owners had an office. The owner walked out and stood in the doorway holding the door open. He was a taller stalky man, black hair and clean cut beard. Maroon shirt with suspenders. Didn't looking he did a lot of the work around there himself. I rubbed my nose and he made the comment that I would get used to the smell. I replied and said that it didn't bother me and I loved the place. He continued to talk to the other guy handling details on the chickens. We all walked over to this big conference looking table on the other side of the platform. As we sat down the owner said he had made a certain amount of money this year and was going to turn it all in on the books to see if the government gave any kind of bonus for the amount of work he had done. I looked down and on the table was a huge quote for a kitchen remodel for the farm owner with Richard Meyers on it as the designer/salesman. (My occupation now is a kitchen designer / salesman. Richard Meyers is a good friend that works construction work.) The owner handed me a restaurant menu for some reason, said it was one he owned and somewhere we should eat before heading back home. I remember the kitchen quote was for upwards of $90,000. I don't remember there last little bit of the number, just the 90. We all got up to leave and as we walked off the platform the owner went back into his office. I walked out and tried to take pictures of the menu he gave me but it was getting too dark. I sat in the truck with the lights on and read it as 3 of the other guys took off walking down the road to get some supplies. I remember looking up at the farm house across the road that the ownernlived in. Very nicebhuge house, guessing upwards of 4000 to 5000 square foot home. Newer home meant to have the rustic farm feel.
The whole dream was in color and I just remember being kind of anxious through it. More of an expectation of what was coming but not really knowing what it was. I was excited when I woke up because I knew I had to write this down. It's been a while since I've had a dream like this and felt that I could remember the details.