I was at my childhood home and it appeared that I was just visiting with my family I recall I was sitting on the couch with my aunt and my mom and grandma were across from us. I recall wanting taco time but my mom did not give it to me instead she gave it to my aunt, but my aunt shared. While we were eating my grandma said she was having a stroke and needed to go to the hospital. I tried to tell her she was not having a stroke but she insisted that she was because of something she felt in her leg and that it was a sign of stroke so I finally said okay go to the hospital. Upon getting ready to leave she asked my mom if she could take me with her to the hospital but my mom said no. My grandma got a little upset and asked my mom to at least turn her ringer on then so that she could hear her phone and answer if she were to call, and then my grandma made a comment that I was the only one to ever answer her calls. I was getting ready to say something in response to my grandma when my mom said “that is for her own selfish gain though.” I got mad and said “oh yeah because I am just so selfish and only think of me” in a sarcastic tone and both my parents said “yeah you are” so then it became apparent that my dad was there too and then suddenly it seemed as though my aunt and grandma were gone. I was mad at my parents response so I began talking to Jesus but out loud for some reason when I said “Lord help me” then my mom said something but I cannot recall what I just remember I got really mad and yelled and told her that I was not talking to either of them and that I was talking to Jesus and they could not tell me not to speak to him. I then walked into the kitchen and was going to get food when my dad said “you can only have half of a dinner” so I got upset again and I began to cry and I said “that is wrong of you to tell me I can only have half a dinner. You know I am pregnant and I need to eat, ultimately you are hurting your granddaughter not me and it is sad that she has to suffer because of your feelings towards me when she has done nothing to deserve poor treatment.” Then all of a sudden it became clear I was not just visiting but was living there because my dad said that me and my husband had to move out and then he said “yeah how much you think them babies gunna cost you good luck finding something” I ran upstairs crying and began to pack things up. Everything in my dream up until this part had been dim but while in my room packing the lights were on and it was pink (my room really was pink at this house), I called my husband while packing and told him what happened and suggested we try staying with his parents until we figure things out. I recall seeing a red dress for our baby girl and then I began folding towels. One towel was like an opaque orange and the rest were gray, the last towel I folded before waking up was a light gray hand towel and I noticed it had “Julian” written on it in red paint. Julian is my brother in laws name. When I awoke from the dream my heart was racing and I was upset and I instantly woke my husband and told him I had a bad dream.
*I think that God may be showing me some specific family issues from my past that I need to work out still or that may even be trying to reappear in my life but I am not entirely sure?? However I am confused about the significance of my grandmother saying she was having a stroke, my husband and I living there, and seeing my brother in laws name on a towel. *