L(keeping to anonymity, within my family) ordered a drink and I almost dropped my glass of water from my hand from shock when I saw it. It was a glass of clear liquid, like water, and a silver color hairtail fish sticking out diagonally. the fish was so long, maybe 10 times longer than the glass. I think H(another person to keep anonymous, also family) was seated next to L, unsurprised, perhaps thinking that this has been a thing L orders sometimes and I don’t need to freak out. I had never seen her order anything like this all my years of knowing L. I was saying to H “it’s like, L is… L is..” what I wanted to say was “drowning the life out of the fish in order for L to quench the thirst”. But is it a negative thing to say? So I couldn’t find the right words to say. The face of the fish, it was in agony, its big eye looking agonized and resigned , I wanted to vomit. And that’s when I was trying to put down my glass of water on the table without trying to break it cuz I was trembling inside. Then the fish mouth opened and its tongue which was like a transparent colored straw came out of it and I screamed and woke up.
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