My son, Joshua’s dream - in his words, with a few details provided from direct questions from me. He named it. ;)
He, his sister and myself were on top of his playhouse with a woman with brown hair. She was a stranger and he felt a little afraid around her. She had a large grasshopper on the top of her hand.
He and his sister slid down the slide (doing a special “jump” he likes to do - the slide is yellow and swirly) while I and the woman came down by the steps holding the guide rope. When he got down he lifted up and started flying. The woman justowatched. I said “wow” and was excited for him. But I was concerned he wasn’t going to come back. He flew some in the back yard and over the back porch and landed in the backyard. He did land and I was relieved. He was excited when he came to tell me and said he enjoyed the flying.