I dreamed that I had to pick up a little brunette boy to go to church. Got to church but the church was more like a building with rooms. kind of like a school. And we were in this room with maybe 30 people. There was a special speaker. I remember his name was Manuel. the lights were turned down for worship and Manuel lead worship and had a band with a few people playing guitar and drums. After a couple of songs he was going to start speaking. then the little boy started to talk to him and was asking him questions. manual looked out to the crowd wanting someone to control the little boy. Since no one else was getting up to get the little boy I did. I took him out of the room so he wouldn’t disturb manual.
Then we walk to another room that had more people in it. And suddenly a group of kids come into the room being led by one of my women pastors from church (Sherry). I asked her “can the little boy stay with the other kids?” I noticed he was around the same age so why not. She ushered the kids into another room off to the side of the big room we were currently in. She told me no because they were going to worship. I said “he (the little boy) has not really worshipped yet.“ And then I thought to myself or did he. I told her I haven’t even been able to listen to the speaker. She still looked at me like not her problem. I was really upset. I thought to myself Here I volunteered to bring the boy to church not to watch him. I probably would not have picked him up if it was just to babysit him. Then I felt guilty because I thought someone else might see it as why wouldn’t I want to serve the church and do my part. And I noticed that the little boy walked through a door going outside.
So I took off after him. I chased him around this two story slide. He was walking underneath it. Then he walked up the stairs to slide down. I followed him. There was a mom and her kids at the top and the kids wanted to slide down. To start you had position yourself on a brown recliner. Also the slide was stairs to slide down not the usual slide. They were taking a long time to go and the little boy I was watching kept trying to cut in front of them but I pulled him back. Then the little girl with the mom went ahead and started sliding down but the recliner wasn’t stable on the slide and there was a gap between the chair and platform we were standing on. So when the little girl started to slide the chair moved causing the little girl to drop her phone out of her hand to the ground below and her belongings in her other hand flew down the slide. The mom was looking for the phone and I told her I see it on the ground. So she kept moving forward on the slide.
Then it’s me and the boys turn to go down. I reposition the chair and try to cover the gap between the slide and platform. He goes first then I go. As I’m sliding I’m seeing McDonald’s food containers along the slide. I’m trying to not touch them as I go but some box with either grease or ketchup on it touches my skirt. I wondered if the boy was able to pass the containers without being touched. When I get off I grab a napkin and try to wipe off what got on me. Then I start looking for the boy. He runs up to me and is putting a green T-shirt over his blue one. I asked him where did you get that shirt. Then I woke up.