This dream has a few scenes.
Scene 1: I was with a friend, Joanne, and another lady. We were in a ministry session with Joanne ministering to me. In a previous scene, we were part of large group. Snacks were left on tables and chairs around us. I felt comfortable reaching out to take the snacks. I found a biscuit which I really like and rarely come across. I was surprised at how at ease I was to just take the snacks I want as I would normally be more shy. It felt like a reflection of my growth.
Scene 2: I was in a hotel room with Joanne and another good friend, Selina. We were standing in the hallway near the door, looking at a painting on one of the walls. I was talking with Joanne while waiting for Selina. Joanne told me how she admired Selina for her professionalism at work (in real life, these two friends don't know each other). I let on that Selina was a close friend of mine that I've known since high school. That's when Joanne started getting upset that I didn't seem to know much about Selina's reputation at work or outside of our friendship. She didn't say it out loud but she started walking off in a huff and I got the sense that she was mad with me. I felt quite puzzled by this.
We walked past several stores and went through a shopping mall. Joanne walked very fast ahead of me and as I was trying to catch up when we got to the street, I heard a voiceover narration with Joanne's voice saying that she discovered I was a clingy/needy friend and that I didn't appreciate Selina as a friend. (In real life, this is very different from Joanne's personality and I felt rather stunned and bewildered by this whole string of events. It doesn't feel that way about Selina either).
Scene 3: I walked past a steak restaurant and saw Joanne inside. She turned and looked at me with a smirk on her face, so I didn't feel like going in just yet but made a mental note that I might come back. As I walked away, I came across a slope leading to the restaurant. I remember walking up the slope but it was raining and stormy. There were two sides of the pavement on this sloped road. There were two girls ahead of me on the side I was on. I felt that I had somehow followed them not knowing the way. Obstacles and debris kept falling down the slope on our side, aided by the rainwater flowing down the slope. I was unsuccessful at avoiding some obstacles and was grazed by the small branches of fallen tree branch etc. No serious injuries but just inconvenienced. I wanted to cross over to the other side of the pavement but somehow felt unable to with all the obstacles coming and the two girls ahead of me blocking the way etc.
Scene 4: I was back outside the restaurant walking down with other small shops on the road. It was evening and I felt like I was in Washington D.C. as I watched joggers go past. At some point, it became dark and I felt it wasn't safe to be out on the streets for so long so I headed back to the restaurant. This time, Joanne wasn't there anymore but my husband and two female interns were in the steak restaurant. I ended up sitting with them. He introduced them to me gruffily as he put food on my plate but I was upset with him (don't remember the details or why).
Note: The steak is a recurring theme as I had another dream shortly after this about a Japanese masterchef wanting to teach me how to cook this famous beef steak dish with rice. He asked me to follow him - we were in a classroom but I took a long time to pack my desk, keep my keys, and get ready. By the time I stood up to follow him, I had lost him in a series of underground tunnels below the classroom. So I think these two dreams might have a related theme. Thanks!