I have now had 3 separate dreams about getting my old job back, i got fired back in April. I feel they are all related somehow and I noticed a common character in each dream is Renee .
My first dream was about a month ago my old job moved locations and had an opening and I knew I was well qualified and figured i’d interview for it. I originally was early for the interview but then I realized I did not have my resume I was so frantic and I went to go get it which made me a minute or two late. Renee pointed out the fact that I was late even though she had seen me arrive early and told me to wait because they were in a staff meeting when I arrived the first time. I apologized and sat at the table for the interview. I handed her my resume and proceeded to tell her why I was well qualified for the job. She cut me off and said why would I hire you when I fired you once before? You think just because we are at a new location I’ll take you back? I ignored her harsh comments (she had a very rude tone) and proceeded to talk about how I was well qualified and that I was never given a chance by her in the past; I remained professional and calm. She proceeded to bring over two new teachers whom I never met before and have them lecture me on what the duties are and how hard the job is and how I wouldn’t be able to do it & Renee continued to say she wouldn’t hire me because she fired me once (off of information she received from the assistant director who didn’t like me) I then got upset and grabbed my resume and told Renee that if she didn’t want to hire me than it was her loss because I was well qualified for the job and had the experience and already knew all of their policies and that it was wrong of her to not give me a chance and at least give me a fair interview and I proceeded to tell her that the way she acted in the interview was unprofessional and then I stormed out. The second dream was about a week or two after and I just remember going up to my old job to discuss with Renee why she terminated me and letting her know that she was wrong in doing so and that she should habe guven me a chance and gotten to know me for herself. In this dream she said she wouldnt take me back and I said ”I dont want my job back i just came here to discuss what happened.” The third dream was last night i was volunterring there but i told my husband it wasnt fair because they had me doing actual work the staff should be doing and had me working regular hours so we decided it was best that i meet with Renee to discuss me getting put back on payroll however i never actually met with her i just discussed it with my husband.