This was a vision by my 9 year old daughter. We have prayed for an interpretation but still don't have anything definitive. I wrote this down as she was talking and then gave it to her to read and she affirmed that it was all correct. I tried to write in her exact words as much as possible unless something needed to be explained better.
"There was a big white building. Everything was white except it had big huge doors that were brown. When I walked through the doors, i saw that it was a church. There were windows that were high up.
There were empty pews and a stage. There was a cross in the middle of the stage. That was where a man was beating an old woman.
The old woman had dirty blond hair pulled back in a bun, blue eyes and I thought she was about 200 years old. She wore a purple dress that looked like a nightgown and was holding a brown leather purse.
The man beating the woman had dark hair & eyes, grey hoodie, jeans. He looked about 30 or 40 yrs old.
There was a big blur that I knew was God way up high. He caused the woman to start floating above the man that was beating her. All her wounds were healed as she floated up.
Then everything disappeared and I saw a baby at the end of the vision. The baby was swaddled in a light blue cloth. (My note: yes she actually said "swaddled" because she has had recent experience with her baby nephew). He had orange hair. The baby had died. I saw little drops on the baby's clothes and face that I knew were tear drops. (My note: she didnt see this next part in the vision but she "felt" it) I think that the baby was the man's and his wife's. I thought that the tear drops on the baby's face and cloth were theirs. I was sad that the baby had died."