I had multiple dreams in one night that seemed to stop and start abruptly.
If I need to separate them I will. First I was outside standing in a walkway, but there was lush vegetation all around. I was with someone and we were looking at this huge bright green snake curled up in the bushes. It was not aggressive. Then all the sudden I saw the snake in a large blue martini type glass about 3 feet tall. It turned into what looked like iridescent blue slush drink (like a frozen margarita). Next My mother in law was teaching in what seemed to be an apartment complex. A dad came to pick up the last kid. A few mintues later he came back and knocked on the door. My MIL opened it up and he slapped her. I immediately ran to the door and the only thing I could think to do was to holler at him to not come back or I'll call the police. Then I moved out of that setting and I'm with a group of people who seem formiliar in what looks like an apartment. My sister-in-law Brooke calls me and asks if I can take her home if she comes over. I talk to Josh my husband to see if we can make it work. We say yes. There is more to this dream but that is all I can remember of it. The last thing I see is my son Joshua covered from head to toe in peanut butter and I tell my husband to come look. It seems to be funny.