It was a bit hazy and dull in the dream but I do recall being at my childhood home pumping breastmilk for my daughter then when I finished she somehow got latched onto my breast. I was so happy because she actually latched on and it was painless. I went into the kitchen to tell my mom about it and then I proceeded to the laundry room bathroom , my daughter was suddenly mobile and following me when I noticed a lime green skinny snake at the door (but it was still dull in color) I ran and grabbed my daughter and shut the door tight and carried her with me while I walked over to the toilet , I heard a noise so I looked at the door and noticed the snake had squeezed under the door and was slowly ;as if in slow motion; moving toward us, my daughter being young and curious tried to move towards it I grabbed her again and was trying to find a way out which was difficult because the laundry room was so small. The snake was very slow so I was able to move quickly to get around it finally and get out of the door with my daughter. The dream then changed and i only recall running into my mother in law and telling her about my daughter latching on and that my milk was increasing.
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