In my dream I was standing on a balcony attached to the back of a supermarket. The balcony overlooked what I thought looked like a cornfield. I watched as two bulls (I remember specifically bulls not oxen) ran at full speed pulling a harvesting rig. They were being directed by a horse that was kind of corralling them. I realized that they were actually harvesting really tall logs, like 20 feet tall. Then, I saw a massive old barn beside the field that was being worked of by a bunch of people. They were taking the barn apart to refurbish it. I turned to my dad who was standing next to me and suggested that he help them work on it since he had nothing to do during the Covid-19 quarrentine. He said "nah" and we both left.
When I returned to the balcony later I saw that the barn project was finished. But instead of a the old barn that was there before a tiny little shed was in its place. I was upset that they ruined something that could have been beautifully restored.