Myself, my son (who is 23) and my mother had just moved in to my grandparents old house (whom are deceased). Boxes everywhere, we are putting away stuff. It is dark outside. I go to the bedroom to get something, the room is dark. I set on something square in the room, like a small rug or paper, not sure. When I step on it, it starts moving and pulling me. I immediately turn around and go towards the door. The door closes. Im not scared but recognize this as a demon and I know I can call on the name of Jesus because the mention of Jesus to demons, they have to obey. So I start saying "Jesus" over and over and say demons be gone. Then the door opens. I go into the kitchen and tell my son and my mom we have to leave this house. We throw stuff into the car. For some reason there is something else I need to get so I go to the living room and this whirlwind starts in the center of the room, like a mini tornado. So I turn around and just run to the door and outside. Then I wake up.
For some reason, I feel like it may signify some kind of attack on my family. Maybe because my son is dealing with a lot of issues. Anyway, I don't remember a lot of my dreams but this one I haven't forgotten. It was last week when I had this dream.