She has a pot-hanger in her kitchen but it is huge. It covers the ceiling of the whole kitchen. It is made of steel, but covered with wood – her typical taste.
I touch the pot-hanger with my finger and I feel how the whole thing comes out of the ceiling. I yell: no no no nooooo! I see it fall in slow motion as it tears the ceiling apart. When everything landed on the floor, I see oven-dishes, dish-up dishes, pots and some shirts. Only one or two dishes was broken
My mom comes in and we start working through the mess. I see a shirt with a hole under the arm and Adelle says it is a nightmare to fix. As I work through the pots and pans, I see 2 chests of drawers (white) that belongs to me and then I think I do not have space for it – maybe that is why it is standing in her kitchen?
Then I see a set of brand new pots and pans. I see a pressure cooker made from the shiniest stainless steel and it is decorated with children’s art – stick figures in black but their clothes are all in color. Bright reds, blues etc. In the dream I wonder if God is showing me a funky design for pots and pans??
Next I see Deneske (another friend) chatting to a friend but she is not wearing makeup and Deneske never goes anywhere without makeup. She talks about how her uncle organized a spit-braai (bbq)at the school without her knowing about it; how she phones her maid every day to tell her she is going to rest now – there were 4 adults in the house also resting.
Back at Adelle’s house and now everyone knows that her husband bought her jewellery. Apparently it is a lot of expensive jewellery – like diamond necklaces and tiaras. I congratulate her on the jewellery and she thanks me, turns around and walks away. She has her hair up like Elsa in Frozen 1 during the coronation and she is wearing a tiara.