December 19 2019 (maybe)
Dream part 1: my teeth fell out all but a few front ones) again and my mom took me to a rush dentist, when we got there she was printing 30 waivers for me to sign.
The next dream was me driving a semi truck (18 wheeler) with other people inside. I was descending a little hill when the road opened up wide to to a huge gold gate across the road with 5-7 gate doors all were closed. Then a man pointed out the far right one was actually open so I had to maneuver to the right (I was annoyed because I had to veer the semi truck all the way to the right). When I drove up and over the ramp to get through the open gate there was a bull or cow with horns that gave me an angry look and as I descended the ramp on the other side of the fence there were about 3 happy female cows on the other side when we passed over. We had to find a rest stop probably for a fill up and bathroom break and found a pit stop. I was asked to take 2 boys to the bathroom (Indian boys around 5-7 years old maybe but not sure) one was getting things very messy and fell in the toilet and I got mad and grossed out and had to find a shower (it looked like the shower was in a warehouse against a chain link fence out in the open to clean him up while his brother got him new clothes. After he was dressed I woke up.