In this dream I was observing the dream but I was also in the dream as Englands Prime Minister, Teresa May. My husband was Teresa's husband. Our team of people thought it would be fun if me and my husband walked around casually with the people and see if anyone recognized me as we were very popular. It was a fun event and knew the people would love to see us with the locals and conversing casually with everyone. We walked casually in different situations and everyone was thrilled and surprised that we were there with them and took pictures with us etc. We were laughing and having a wonderful time because we knew it was a highlight for our citizens. Just being real people in amongst them. My husband went to a pub and had some drinks with the locals and got tipsy and had a fun time talking with them. Scene was a hotel pub and I came and got him and took him by elevator to our room so he could rest.
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Dreams posted to the forum will be interpreted by students. They will likely accumulate during breaks between classes, so please keep this in mind. Remember most interpretations are provided by students and they are learning what they are doing. Moderators will often have more seasoned interpretations when they do comment on a dream. A moderator often responds to Level 1 student interpretations and comments when necessary for Level 2 students. Level 3 students will post interpretations as student moderators.
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