I am in my bosses house which I have never been in his house before. He is not there but me and 3 other employees are there. I never see there faces or hear there voices I just know they are there. I am just walking in his living room and I hear this great wind blowing and I am thinking a storm is coming up so I go by the patio doors to open it and see if a storm is coming, it is night and dark but before I can open the door I realize this sound is coming from my left ear. When I realize this I hear this in my ear, only my left hear I hear this voice saying let me out, help me. I heard this about 3 times. After that I began to call on the name of Jesus and commanding what ever this is to leave me in Jesus name. I go to walk out the patio doors and when I step outside it feels as if I am barefoot but I see I have my work boots on. I come back in the house and when I look at my right foot I have a 6th toe that just came up next to my big toe, I look at the person that is standing there, again I don't see them or hear them I just know there is someone there and I say look at this and when I look back down at my foot my toes are disfigured horribly. That's when I wake up. God has given me many dreams over my 60 years and He has given me interpretations but this one is very different then anything I have ever dreamed..and no I do not watch horror shows and I am a born again Christian that has a relationship with my Savior and The Holy Spirit. It's a disturbing dream. Thank you for your help.
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