My dream started off with me being at a party with my two sisters, we were having such a great time and I ended up drinking a lot that night as well - so afterwards I was vomiting, which never happens to me in real life so I was confused. Then a few days went by, I think, and I was feeling this unbearable pain in my lower abdomen area! So immediately I was thoroughly suspect and wanted to know what was going on, now mind you; I looked the same as I always do, nothing was different about my body. My sister (Lynda) was at my house when this happened and told me I'm definitely going into labour. So I didn't believe her because no way am I pregnant without knowing and I hoped I wasn't because I didn't prepare my body at all to have a baby - I was living life as normal as possible. So I ended up actually being pregnant and I was ready to give birth, so my sister ran bathwater and sat me in the tub to give birth - I pushed out one baby and thought I was finished but she told me there was another baby coming out!
After I finished, I was so tired so I got into the bed - my other sister La Shone was taking care of the babies and told me that my son was really skinny, so I laughed and said "well look at his father, what do you expect?" my boyfriend is tall and lean so it made sense. She then tells me "no, I mean he looks malnourished" which wasn't hard to believe since I didn't give my babies what they needed in the womb, so that made me really sad but I figured I'll make sure they get everything they needed now that they are born. My daughter was so healthy and beautiful though! My dad ended up coming over, he was very excited and LOUD so I told him I was sleeping and that the kids were in the room with my sister and that's all I remember.
Does this mean I'll be having a baby?