I was at this acting school and there was a Spanish girl I knew (in real life) from the past there as well anyhow I got there and was listening to the white male teacher. This one mixed black girl (who I had met earlier in my dream before I got to the school I was actually late to the class too) was texting me and bothering me about how one of the boys she was with needed or wanted to be filmed because I was getting recorded about my life or testimony or something and she kept texting me while I had gone to the class etc. Mr. howard (someone I know from my previous church) had died his mother was there I was still in the class but his body was there in class too I cried out loud and people looked at me weird the teacher told me to stop crying I said no the Bible says God will collect our tears in a bottle, he then told me to stop I said I quit this place it felt so fake so I left the place and went to the elevator to leave and at some point the people in the class turned on me and didn’t want to speak to me because of how I reacted to the teacher they had come to ask me to give them back their key I said okay happily and I was smiling and acting like their glares and attitude towards me didn’t bother me as I went and gave them their key then I left I went out into the parking lot or something it was a school I saw Blake high school band (a school I went to in my past) I saw limbert (old dance team couch) who was surprisingly still making dances for Blake’s dance team the band was marching in the school and I was dancing a bit anyhow limbert didn’t notice me so I kept walking and there was this young black man and I started talking to him I think he had on a black shirt? Anyhow I was getting words of knowledge for him asking him if he played music and keyboard and if someone in his family had cancer and if his mom is okay and grandson is okay and his name was Edward and so he was moved about how I knew so much and we began to pray I took his hands and prayed for him and prophesied to him I told him to name his ministries GOedward ministries he fell on the floor when I said that I continued to pray and prophesy other people started to gather around a (lot of black people ) I suddenly had a mic in my hand as I continued to pray for this man and prophesy to him we were outside in my mind I’m thinking about how although i just left that acting class which was supposed to be Christian I was doing something much better I really felt the weight of Gods presence on me so much so that I couldn’t speak almost it’s like my words were slurred towards the end of me talking to the man again a lot of black people were there watching and surrounded us they wanted to come into agreement for the man with what I was speaking to him I said okay but I said if you are dealing in witchcraft you cannot come in agreement/pray for the man a lot of people started to leave as I called out witchcraft after a bit some people stayed and I reminded them they couldn’t touch this man if they were dealing in witchcraft after everyone who needed to leave left we all came in agreement and prayed for the man after that I put the mic down and was leaving I saw a lot of people raise their hands so I could give them a word like I did the man but I was like no I’m tired
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