My dream starts out in an airport. My husband (Micah) and son (Jaxon) are with me and we are rushing through to get to our gate to catch our flight to Italy, when I realized I had forgotten our passports. I said to Micah, “you are going to kill me, I forgot the passports.” He responded, “don’t worry, I have them.” Relieved, we kept on in our pursuit of our gate. Also with us was my brother (Brady) and his wife (Jessica) and my parents (Todd and Joan). We walk until we get tired (the airport is HUGE), then we decided to use our van’s instead of walking. My husband and I used our van we have in real life, while my brother, his wife and my parents all used a big white 12 passenger van. Once we started driving, I noticed we were going through a marketplace. It looked like we were in another country with a bunch of booths and vendors that seemed like we were in the middle east or northern Africa, but I knew we were still in the airport. We decided to grab some lunch from one of the vendors since we still had a long day ahead of us. At this point the dream shifted away from the airport and we were now at a family friends house attending a graduation party to kill time before our flight. I went outside to our van to get something for our son and realized how much we really needed both vans while we were on our trip overseas to help transport all of our things. I looked at my husband and explained to him why we needed both of our vans over there but knew we could not financial fly two vehicles overseas. Then my husband looked at me and said, “we can just drive our van, into their van”. I didn’t think that was possible, but my husband just told me to open the back of the big white van, which I did, and he then proceeded to drive our green mini van up a very steep slope into their van. I was amazed that our van fit perfectly into their van.
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Dreams posted to the forum will be interpreted by students. They will likely accumulate during breaks between classes, so please keep this in mind. Remember most interpretations are provided by students and they are learning what they are doing. Moderators will often have more seasoned interpretations when they do comment on a dream. A moderator often responds to Level 1 student interpretations and comments when necessary for Level 2 students. Level 3 students will post interpretations as student moderators.
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