Hello sir. My name is Aimee, my friend Angela said that I should message you to ask you what a dream I had means. Well two dreams. I was sound asleep and audibly heard my mom say wake up Aimee your late. Then last night I dreamed I was at my mom's hope sitting on her bed with my boyfriend and daughter. I knew it was my mom's bed because of the looks. Then my ex husband showed up with a shotgun. I had answered the door when he came and ran to the bedroom and grabbed my gun. When I grabbed it I slid it back and a bullet came out but then I was frantically trying to get more bullets in but it was a revolver. I shot one shot and missed. Then a second and he stood there bleeding at the center of his body. I was screaming to my daughter to call 911 the whole time. Then next thing I know I'm talking with police and asking my dad if I need an attorney. He said no you were acting in self defense. It was very bizarre because the outside of the house and the rest of the house didn't resemble my parents. Next thing I know I had my ex husband keys to his house, which was across the street. I then was driving my ex husband Cadillac that we owned during our marriage in a town I used to live in. Then I awoke to my mom saying I had strongholds and I said no I don't. Don't speak that over me.
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