Hi, I had a 'weird' dream. We were travelling ard (in a station/airport environment) and I saw all 3 of my late grand parents.
First my *maternal grandma* was sitting down there, I was happy/surprised and went to Hug her. then she also transformed or became/is my *paternal grandma* as I hug and looked at her (like 2-in-1 person but there was no fear.
Then my *paternal grandpa* appeared coming up an escalator. But he didn't see me/walked the other way.
Then I saw one of our missions team members (I just got back from a short mission trip then) in a 'car's with someone not on this team also.
The team member was smoking (but in current time, he is no longer so- already transformed!)
ANY INTEPRETATIONS? or was it just the Marvel movie evoking some stuff..