In my dream, Michael French and his wife Elisa were both talking. I couldn’t see them, but both of them were talking. It was almost as if they were doing like a podcast or narrating what my husband and I were doing.
The dream begins like this:
my husband David and I, We go and drive, we go through a beautiful forest we see the beautiful LIGHTing (not lightning, but lighting) in the forest absolutely beautiful (I want to say that we are getting some after effects from rain in another area that’s causing this forest to look so good.)
I see three paths, I believe that we go down the middle one? in the dream I know that we’ve traveled this path before, and I know that I just wasn’t paying attention the other times.
I hear Michael French and wife talking. I hear their voice after we’ve gone through and are literally in the forest. At this moment I am now a viewer. I’m viewing my own dream. And now the dream has turned into a whole Animation. Like a cartoon. I believe I even see animals in this part of dream as well and they are cartoon too. But maybe not, I Can’t remember.
Michael and Elisa are Talking about this forest.
I hear them say, “When it rains, it can get stopped up on one side.”
As they say that, In the dream, I can see the water and things pile up in entry. Meaning the entry of the forest. ((Keep in mind and Remember that my husband and I are in the forest as Michael French and Elisa are talking now))
Elisa speaks, her voice was very compassionate she spoke in a compassionate, kind voice, “What if the other side stopped up too? I think Michael French answered saying something like this, “that possibly, that wouldn’t be a GOOD thing because then the people traveling through could possibly get trapped.”
As I wrote down my dream the final part that I wrote was:
So this is a beautiful forest, but it could also be dangerous.??
I dreamed this dream last year February 25, 2020 at 3:00 am. I also had 2 other dreams that same night. In waking life my husband is a pastor of a church. what do you think my dream could mean?