I was excited and a little nervous as I was going to the Ambassador's office.
His office was on the top floor of this building which I had never been in before.
I walked up the stairs and was met by two body guards who opened the door for me.
The office was large and spacious, big brown square table that the Ambassador was sitting at.
Behind him was large open windows, almost like sliding doors.This was a nice office I thought to myself, better then the one he had.
The Ambassador got up and walked towards me and said, "Come on in and take a seat". He was friendly and happy to see me.
We chatted like old friends, and then suddenly he got up and sat at his desk.
I felt a shift in the room it was almost like I was now under a microscope. He said, " Let me look" and there was a large computer screen in front of him.
I was now sitting opposite the Ambassador, and could not see what he was looking at. He said, " I see that you are adopted". I thought that was strange as I never told him that. I said, "yes"
Than his screen changed, it was like someone was zooming in.
The room was quiet no one spoke, than he said, " I see your footprint in the sand". I said, "excuse me"?
I got up from my seat and walk around the table and stood next to the Ambassador. The screen zoomed into what looked like sea sand. There it was, a foot! There was an actual foot on the sand, I said, Who's foot is that and than I looked closer and saw it was mine. What was my foot doing there, I thought? There were prints all over the sand. It was like the Ambassador wanted me to know that he knew. He just smiled.
I woke up.