I had my baby but it was a boy in my dream, I had left him home which made me panic because I realized I hadn't left any breastmilk for him. I kept trying to leave to get to him but I just kept ending up at new places. When I was finally able to get to him I realized that my parents had given him actual food and it appeared that I had missed more time than I thought because he was already walking. However I got upset and told my parents they should not have given him food because he needed milk and that now it would be hard for me to get him to take my milk. Suddenly scenes switched and it appeared even more time had passed because as I was trying to pump breastmilk I looked at my son and realized that he was even older around age 3 now. I also noticed he was eating a plate of food that my mother had given him and I got upset again and told her I was mad at her and that she shouldn’t have been giving him actual food all this time because it was the food that caused him to grow up so family or never got the chance to give him milk or even see him be a baby. In the dream I was angry and at times crying because of not getting to feed my child the way I wanted and not getting to see him grow, however when I woke up I was confused and surprised because I realized that the boy who was my 3 year old son looked a lot like my youngest brother when he was age 3 and because I am pregnant with a girl in reality.
*As I was writing the dream I began to notice the emphasis on milk versus adult food and I thought of Hebrews 5: 13, 14. I am thinking that this dream could have something to do with this scripture and potentially the birth/growth of an area of ministry or spiritually?*