Hi! I was in a building located in like an old small downtown district talking with a man. Then we were in a car and when I looked out the window there was a pretty park area with green grass and a lake with people spread out walking around like they were searching for somone missing. I then realized they were looking for my son, it was a horrible feeling. The investigator and I ended back at that building in a back room. Seemed like it was afterhours because nobody else was there. There was a oriental type rug flipped up by the door when we pulled it back there was a hatch. We opened the hatch which lead to like an underground under the town. The floor was concrete and there was about a 20 feet drop down and it was pitch black. We searched the underground area for a short amount of time and saw my son tied up and duct taped in a chair (like u see in the movies with the one light above- I'm not a horror movie watcher) We were able to free him without confrontation from whomever put him there and he was finE, but it was horrifying. When I woke from this dream it seemed so real and it stayed with me vividly for days and randomly weeks after. I even had reminder conversations with my children about safety after I dreamed this.
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