I was in a group of people I didn't know in a room. We were getting ready to go on a missions trip. The leader was speaking and I started feeling a strong presence of God. Somewhat pulsating. I was saying to myself holy holy holy. The person next to me had some sort of wand type of thing almost like something my daughter sings into. It started making noise and interrupting the meeting so we were asked to leave even though I didn't do anything, was just next to them. My husband didn't know about the meeting. I wanted to tell him but I didn't want to interrupt people. I came back and I was basically like none of us know each other we should all get to know each other better. The leader wasn't making that a priority and seemed to have a bad attitude. I go back after leaving and there's many more shoes than there were people earlier in the meeting. Then I notice new faces and people alongside their shoes that were all over the place. I couldn't find my shoes anywhere because there were so many .
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