In my dream last night, what I remember is that I was on my way to find a white truck or van. I had become a member of the FBI, and I was getting ready to go out on my first mission. I had two bags with me that were fairly light. I had a choice of going around a building and following a steep road to get to the truck or climbing up the building and then back down again. I decided to climb up the building.
Getting to the first and second floor balconies by using the rails was actually pretty easy. Even with my bags, I was able to pull myself up pretty quickly. As I looked at the third floor balcony railing, I talked with the people who were supporting and giving me advice on how to get to the truck. They warned me to be careful, that this climb wouldn't be that easy. I think they might have recommended that I leave my bags on second floor to pick them up later? I'm not sure, but I ended up climbing without my bags.
As I climbed the railing, it was more difficult. At one point, my hand slipped, and I was dangling from pretty high up! I was still pretty peaceful about the climb but suddenly recognized that I was in eminent danger. I gathered my strength and managed to grab the railing and pull myself over.
I realized that I had lost my shoes in this process. I decided to ask for help at the first open apartment. I walked in quietly and looked for the occupants but couldn't find anyone. I looked into two different bedrooms as well as the main living area. It looked like no one was home. I found a pair of shoes my size and sat down in one of the bedrooms to quickly put these on. Just as I was doing this, the owner came back into the apartment. I tried to hide behind the door as she entered but I was too large to do this successfully. She noticed me of course.
I quickly explained what I was doing and asked her if it was okay for me to finish putting on the shoes. She went to call for help. Other family members began to come into the apartment as I went into one of the bedrooms. I scrambled to pull on my shoes and smooth out my clothes, etc.. Soon their living room was full of people, waiting expectantly for my explanation of why I had snuck into their grandma's apartment. I wondered how to explain myself - do I tell them that I'm part of the FBI? I knew that could potentially expose me and raise more questions.
As I stood up to talk with this family, many of them were distracted in conversation with each other. It was almost like I wasn't there. I felt a peace to let them know I was with the FBI if they asked. I was grateful that they seemed OK I was in this apartment. In the meantime, I tried to remember where I had left my bags. I prayed that they would be safe and that no one would snoop around in them. I hoped that I could quietly escape but not sure that was the right thing to do.
In general, I felt peaceful throughout the dream even though I got into some scary and risky situations. I prayed each time I was in trouble. I did feel guilty taking liberties in the stranger's apartment but I felt desperate to finish my mission of getting to the truck. The people in the apartment looked like they were Hispanic. The people who were coaching and helping me were believers in Jesus. They were part of my team.