Had a dream i got married, but it all happened so quickly I wasn’t sure who the groom was meant to be and it took a while to work up the courage to ask. I didn’t see the actual ceremony in my dream, the dream takes place at a house where the reception is being held. So I looked around the room in my wedding dress and tried to figure out who my husband was. At one stage I thought it might be this short skinny person and I was a bit upset at this because I knew they were the wrong one for me. As I was looking at the wedding cake and trying to figure out who is meant to cut it with me, people kept taking slices and I was trying to stop them but it wasn’t working. One of our Pastors, Pastor Kady noticed I was a bit distressed, so she went and got my new ‘husband’ from upstairs. I didn’t notice him until he was standing behind me wrapping his arms around me, and the most amazing sense of being deeply comforted overwhelmed me. I started crying out of relief, and he spoke calming words over me and kept holding me as I cried, although I can’t remember what he said. The strange thing was that this ‘husband’ is an old friend of mine who actually currently has a girlfriend, so I don’t think it’s literally meant to be him.
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