(this is an email my mother-in-law sent me, and ask me to post on your website for interpretation)
Dear Pastor French, My husband and I have been looking for a new place for about 4 years. About 2 years ago at church, during praise and worship I had my eyes closed and a picture of a cabin popped into my interior field of vision. The picture was all in black and white. It had a straight driveway through some trees that had lost their leaves. It seemed like late fall or winter. At the back of the straight, (maybe light gravel) driveway was a lovely small cabin. It looked like it was new because it hadn’t darkened with age and the ground all around it was clear, with no flowers or shrubs. The roof of the house appeared to be light-colored, shiny metal. From the peak it sloped toward the road. The porch roof took another small slope and was also facing the road. The porch had poles to hold up the roof, but no railing and was low (close to) the ground. There was a stone chimney to the right which had a spiral of gray smoke coming from it. I’ve looked on line and driving around to try to find this cabin, so I'm now wondering if it was symbolic. It has been at least 2 years and I still don't know what to do with the vision. Can you help? Thanks you! Blessings!