This is a dream I had sometime last year about my husbands oldest brother Ramon. Ramon and his girlfriend were getting married, they were in a chapel with colored glass windows (dont recall any specific colors). Ramon and Kim were dressed in all white and were the only ones there with the exception of the priest (it appeared as though i was just in the back watching it all happen) when they had gotten married they got really happy and said ”i am free now” and there was a white man dressed in all white whom they both called ”Father” and hugged.
*after having the dream i knew that this was not about marriage but rather their salvation, this dream has more recently been on ny heart especially because we (my husband & I) just found out they are getting married next year. I am wondering if there is something specific in the dream i may have missed? Or could it be so heavily on my heart right now because now is the time to pray for them?*