From mid March 2020. I am at some kind of checkin I sensed - maybe for a plane. Im on an invisible phone though speaking with someone. I think they speak Swedish. Seems I need a witness or someone to approve something with me. I apparently couldnt understand Swedish (which I can understand good enough in the natural). Anyway, there was an unknown unfaced man to my left. Sensed he spoke Norwegian (which I understand) and must have been what I needed for that part. I think I told the person on the phone who spoke Swedish that I had somebody for this witness or approval piece. Then Im walking in a small group inside some place, light dim- maybe with that Norwegian unfaced man and also my folks and perhaps others. I see Prince William and Kate to the right maybe on a stage or just highlighted to me. I was thinking to take a photo as others around wanted to do but as I get ready William steps down and is on the side. A couple of women or girls join Kate. I also recall at this scene a South African Flag shown. I continue walking trying to catch up or find my small group. I call my mums mobile phone, I think shes in a shop as she whispers that on the phone. thanks.
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