I had a dream that I was at a church, and the pastor came out and told me and someone named Nicole that she wanted me to get off of the praise team(something I've never been on), and Nicole to take my spot. The pastor wanted me to become the head of the usher board. She showed me the work that I would need to do. She had a notebook that had a lot of vibrant colors in it. When the pastor was showing me the notebook concerning being the head of the usher board she made it sound like I would be staying there. She said something about there being no need to drive to and from home. The 1st time the praise team were singing, Nicole forgot the words to the song(They were singing 'I raise a Hallelujah'). She came to me, and I was sitting with the Pastor and my dad(who passed over a year ago). Nicole asked me what the lyrics were and I told her, then I woke up. When I woke up from my dream 'I Raise a Hallelujah' was playing on spotify(This dream happened the week I started playing a gospel music while I sleep.)
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