I was in front of Auntie Sally's house.
Eric was there
Melony was there
I was there.
I sensed the presence of a Gaint walking around in their part of the block
They became very scattered from the presence of the Giant
I pressed Aunty Sallys Garage Door to find a place to hide
Aunty noticed that I had pushed the garaged door and she became fearful.
Part two
I was standing in a desert with a house behind me.
Two other women stood with me. Christian women.
I had a bible with me, Suddenly My bible upgraded. It was not bound in a light pink ribbon that separated the old and new testament giving them extra strength but still keeping them within one book.
I told the women that I felt to go and pray under the shade of a near tree.
As I sat under the tree, I noticed three witches ahead of me plotting the death of Christians. More specifically, they were planning to eat Christians.
To the right of me sat more women who had not yet experienced the love of Christ. The sat in between the Christian women behind them and the witched in front of me.
Part three*
I was walking by a small creek of rushing water.
I was heading to the mountain where Christians were being held by witches
My physical body had an upgrade - I was super strong
As I reached the top of the mountain, two Christians were tied up nearly dead surrounded by the demonic.
I flew into the air and electrocuted the enemy to death with my superpowers