I had this dream that I was in my home with two friends. My home had many doors, windows and closets. My friends were helping me clean. I remember distinctly my shower curtain closed but someone opened it. After we were done we were trying to shut all the doors and windows to seal the house so we could leave. But people kept appearing and I kept throwing them out until I got to one room that a man and woman approached me. The man had something in his hand that was flesh colored and appeared to be a large hot dog, the size of a forearm. They attempted to touch me with it. I told them to leave and they refused to leave told me that not even the police could make them leave. I said something I don't recall what i said but it appeared evil and the woman told she was from devil. In my dream I thought about how when I learned about how when a house is cleaned out they will come in legions back to the house to destroy it. In my sleep I immediately started rebuking and praying against these people. The people in the house ranged from child to adult. They were almost not normal looking and very scary. I remember saying I'm a child of God. Then I woke up and thought I had been awake the whole time but I know was asleep.
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