I had a dream i was sitting at a table with other police officers discussing how i was working 2 jobs and had 4 days off with my 2nd job. One of the guys looked at me like i was crazy for working 2 jobs as a police officer. I remember also talking about the academy and for some reason i thought i was going to get in trouble because i never when to college just strait into the academy. The scene then changed and i was in a 2 story house. I went to call my wife but as i did it dialed 911 next thing i remember is me my son and daughter were hanging out of the 2nd story window i jumped down safely and my son and daughter did as well. As i looked at my son i noticed he was older and did look like my son at all next thing i remember a woman police officer came to my door and told me to stay put she would be back. When She came back and sat on the steps next to me, i noticed there was something about her eyes but cant remember what is was. She began to talk to me about 2 kids who had been killed on her shift. She said to me what if those had been my kids, and i told her you cant think like that then i asked her can i tell you something i said i dont tell many people this but i believe in God. I believe in Jesus and i Believe God is going to take care of me. I couldn't do this job without God. I then noticed my son throwing rocks in the busy street in front of our house and i told him to stop. I then saw him in the road. Me and the other police officer locked arms with my son and made it across the street safely. I noticed i was wearing a dark green police uniform with a star badge like a sheriffs uniform. As we made it across i spanked my son and smacked him on the back of the head for not listening.
The Police uniform was the color of this bible on the link bellow.