This is my husbands (Aidan) dream.
It started as was teouble shooting my car in the k mart parking lot in trussville. It was late evening and a police SUV was 2 lots to the left. it looked like he was monitering me as i was working on my car. i cautiously left that parkinglot onto chalkville mt Rd. knowing the cop was following me. i pulled to the stop light beside walmart my car died again. As I got out and walked around the car the police vehicle whipped in front of me as to block me in. The officer proceded to exit his vehicle and immediatly began shooting at me, emptying his gun. He shot me 12 times total, and with each bullet my conciousness slowly faded away. As i was loosing conciousness i mutter for my mom, my brother, and my wife. I also mutter asking the cop why he was doing this to me. I could feel the pain of each bullet pierce through me untill the trama only left the pressure of penetration from the gunshots.